Monday, October 22, 2007

Kanji #020 / 友

< TYPE >
Kanji / ka i - sho style

The japanese reading : to mo
The sound reading : yu u

friend, protect each other, help each other, the state that is on good terms

The form that put two ''the hand which was bent to protect'' together.
A state to protect each other by hand.

< USE >
友情(yu u - jyo u):friendship
親友(si n - yu u):close friend
朋友(ho u - yu u):companion

example) 彼は私の親友です。[ ka re wa wa ta si no si n - yu u de su.] He is my close friend.


This time, I introduce "友"

This kanji expresses "a state to protect each other by hand".
The friend originally protects each other.

The person whom you go to to help the person even if there is anything.

Do you have such a person?

If you have...
I think that you are splendid friends.

I introduce ''祖父'' on the next time.

Thank you.
See you next time.

All of us are piece of peace.
