Monday, August 3, 2009

Kanji #096 / 頭

< TYPE >
Kanji / ka i - sho style

The japanese reading : a ta ma, ka si ra
The sound reading : to u, zu, to u

head. leader. first beginning, highest, A unit to count a big animal.

「豆」+ 「頁」
豆 : stand still
頁 : hed

< USE >
頭痛 [zu - tsu u] : headache
頭脳 [zu - no u] : brain
冒頭 [bo u - to u] : the beginning

example) 子供達が頭角を現す。 [ ko - do mo - ta chi - ga - to u - ka ku - wo - a ra wa - su. ] Children distinguish themselves.


I introduce ''the part of the human body'' from this time.
It is ''頭'' to introduce this time

The head is a top part of our body.
This kanji expresses it, too.

I want to keep the beautiful posture that the head does not move slightly.

I introduce ''顔'' on the next time.

Thank you.
See you next time.

All of us are pieces of peace.
