Monday, November 24, 2008

Kanji #070 / 月

< TYPE >
Kanji / te n - sho style

The japanese reading : tsu ki
The sound reading : ge tsu, ga tsu

moon, one month

The figure of the crescent moon

< USE >
満月(ma n - ge tsu):full moon
三日月(mi - ka - du ki):crescent moon
今月(ko n - ge tsu):this month

example) 月が美しく輝く。 [ tsu ki - ga - u tsu ku - si ku - ka ga - ya ku. ] The moon shines beautifully.


I introduce ''月'' on this time.

The moonlight lights all up quietly.
I like the casual gentleness very much.


The reason why moonlight is beautiful is that the sun lights up the moon quietly.
I like the casual gentleness very much.

I introduce ''太陽'' on the next time.

Thank you.
See you next time.

All of us are piece of peace.
