Monday, September 29, 2008

Kanji #063 / 林

< TYPE >
Kanji / ka i - sho style

The japanese reading : ha ya si
The sound reading : ri n

forest, Similar things and people are gathering.

Two trees which formed a line.

< USE >
林業(ri n - gyo u):forestry
密林(mi tsu - ri n):dense forest
林檎(ri n - go):apple

example) 林には沢山の木があります。 [ ha ya si - ni ha - ta ku - sa n - no - ki - ga a ri ma su. ] There are a lot of trees in the forest.


I introduce ''林'' on this time.

In the world of the kanji, "a forest" is made of two "trees"
I think that the world of the kanji is "the world of the sensitivity" and "the world of the energy".
It is "the world that do not look like eyes" saying in the human world.

When oneself is alone.

When somebody is in the neighbor.

Do you feel a difference?
What kind of difference?

I got the splendid partner of the life.
It is a wife.
I feel that I can do anything if I do with her.

I introduce ''森'' on the next time.

Thank you.
See you next time.

All of us are piece of peace.
