Monday, May 23, 2011

Kanji #182 / 作

< TYPE >
Kanji / ka i - sho style

The japanese reading : sa ku, sa
The sound reading : tsu ku ( ru )

make, cultivate, begin, make a thing of some kind of form, do, form, perform, complete, accomplish, work, move, change, act, be generated, appear, occur, be stirred up, brace up, promote

「亻」+「right part」
亻 : person
right part : stack the thing of the same shape

< USE >
作物 [sa ku - mo tsu] : crops
傑作 [ke - ssa ku] : masterpiece
動作 [do u - sa] : movement

example) これは私の作品です。 [ ko re - wa - wa ta si - no - sa ku - hi n - de su. ] This is my work.


I introduce ''作'' on this time.

The old people piled up a container of the same form and squeezed a liquid out of the thing which they put between them and processed it into liquor and seasoning.
When we express the movement that a person makes something, we use this kanji.

I introduce ''創'' on the next time.

Thank you.
See you next time.

All of us are pieces of peace.
