Monday, May 2, 2011

Kanji #179 / 住

< TYPE >
Kanji / ka i - sho style

The japanese reading : ju u, chu u
The sound reading : su ( mu ), su ( ma u )

live, stay, keep house, place to live, home, stop, cancel

亻 : human
主 : stay ( simplified form of '' 駐 '' )

< USE >
住居 [ju u - kyo] : person
住所 [jyu u - sho] : address
先住民 [se n - ju u - mi n] : indigenous people

example) 彼は寺の住職です。 [ ka re - wa - te re - no - ju u - sho ku - de su. ] He is the chief priest of the temple.


I introduce ''住'' on this time.

This kanji has a meaning to '' stay ''.

In the present age,
a transfer and a change of job are not rare things.
We can't stay in one place for a long time.


It is difficult for us to have '' 住居 ( a house ) '' of one's own.

I introduce ''行'' on the next time.

Thank you.
See you next time.

All of us are pieces of peace.
