Monday, August 8, 2011

Kanji #193 / 折

< TYPE >
Kanji / ka i - sho style

The japanese reading : se tsu
The sound reading : o ( ru ), o ri

break, be broken, bend, be bent, distribute, cut off, divide, sprain, discourage, be discouraged, blame, grow timid, die

扌 : The form that grass was cut into
斤 : ax
cut grass with an ax → cut off, break

< USE >
骨折 [ko - sse tsu] : bone fracture
挫折 [za - se tsu] : failure
折半 [se - ppa n] : halving

example) 折紙は日本の文化の一つです。 [ o ri - ga mi - wa - ni - ho n - no - bu n - ka - no - hi to - tsu de su. ] The origami is one of the Japanese culture.


I introduce ''折'' on this time.

This kanji has a meaning to cut with an ax.

We often use this kanji when we divide something roughly.

I introduce ''断'' on the next time.

Thank you.
See you next time.

All of us are pieces of peace.
