Monday, December 13, 2010

Kanji #165 / 拾

< TYPE >
Kanji / ka i - sho style

The japanese reading : shu u, jyu u
The sound reading : hi ro ( u )

pick it up, pick it up and gather it, bracer, The protective gear of the elbow when people shoot a bow., Ceremonious how to walk.

扌 : hand
合 : gather
gather, gather it up

< USE >
収拾 [shu u - shu u] : control
拾集 [shu u - shu u] : collect
拾得 [shu u - to ku] : picking up

example) 私は落とし物を拾いました。[ wa ta si - wa - o - to si - mo no - wo - hi ro - i ma si ta. ]  I picked up a lost article.


I introduce ''拾'' on this time.

This kanji expresses that ''gather''.

I picked up a lot of dead leaves and acorns and gather them with a daughter today.
A present from nature is a treasure.
We want to gather them absorbedly.

We came home and shared a treasure with a family and enjoyed it together.

I introduce ''捨'' on the next time.

Thank you.
See you next time.

All of us are pieces of peace.
