Monday, September 20, 2010

Kanji #155 / 食

< TYPE >
Kanji / ka i - sho style

The japanese reading : sho ku, ji ki
The sound reading : ku ( u ), ku ( ra u ), ta ( be ru )

eat, food, invade and encroach, lose it, take a blow, feed

「upper part」+「lower part」
upper part : gather and close the cap
lower part : The state that cereals were served in.
put food in a container, cook it softly and eat

< USE >
絶食 [ka n - ka ku] : fast
食堂 [ka n - so u] : dining room
月食 [ka n - sha] : eclipse of the moon

example) 弱肉強食 [ ja ku - ni ku - kyo u - sho ku ] The survival of the fittest.


I introduce ''食'' on this time.

''The state that cereals were served in a container'' is expressed in this kanji.
From this,
we can imagine that a kanji is a letter created by the farming race.

I introduce ''噛'' on the next time.

Thank you.
See you next time.

All of us are pieces of peace.
