Thursday, May 24, 2007

Kanji #002 / 安

< TYPE >
Kanji / ka i - sho style

The japanese reading : yasu-(i)
The sound reading : an

an ease, stabilize, calm down

「宀」: Form of a roof.
「女」: Form of a woman.
The state that a woman calms down in a house.

< USE >
安易 [a n - i] : easy
安心 [a n - si n] : relief
安全 [a n - ze n] : security
安息 [a n - so ku] : sabbath
安定 [a n - te i] : stability

example) 私は花を見ると安らぎます。 [wa ta si wa ha na wo mi ru to ya su ra gi ma su.] : When I watch a flower, I feel at ease.


This time, I introduce "The kanji that transformed itself into あ"

The answer is ''安''.
This character is used for my name.

This character is made from that the form that a woman is under a roof.
It would be common in old days "a woman does housework in a house, and a man works outside to feed a family".
But, it is different now.
A woman works outside, too.
A man dose housework, too.

New kanjis may be created sometime.

I introduce ''The kanji that transformed itself into い'' on the next time.

Thank you.
See you next time.

All of us are piece of peace.
